Life with Aim

Life with Aim

Life with Aim


Life could be a mystery to everyone. How the people live their life with their beliefs? Life with aim leads us to better and healthier environment. There were a lot of people that lived with their fantasy - Money, power or well-being, living were the reason of our life? There was a girl decided to believe not to listen to kibitzer and iconoclastic belief in this modernist if the success was the real reason of life. A smell of the nature, making her daymare to stop the illusion and went to reality. Live with all the modernist and technology brings both hope and greed. Ara was different from the other girl in her village. She was smart, beautiful and has a passion towards education and nature knowledge. She always dresses herself with manner and latest trend. Not one day ended without the start of few new sheet of paper for her. She had the strong-willed to be a successful person no matter whatever how long or anything it took. She had an apple of her eyes that match in heaven. She and Daniel had been an item that has the hots. Their shared passion and loved to do everything together. Till they finally decided to go to study in the same university. One day she asked her Mom something important that may change her life entirely.

“Mom, allow me to go to university. I do not want to stay here doing nothing but like other girl does in the village. I need to change my view to see the real world is.” Ara said daringly to her mum who never allowed girl from her family to further studies in other places than their village.
“But Ara, you are the first in this village to do so. I do not like it to be like that. You will be staying here until Mom and Dad find a suitable man for you.” Her mom broke her heart like an unrepairable porcelain vase.

Ara cried inside and fake a smile to her Mom showing that she agreed with her Mom’s final knot. Deep inside of herself there was a greater rebellion which making her to make her own decision. After the conversation ended with disappointed words that she had known will be happened, she went to the room. Preparing all her clothes and crucial things to be take care of before she run without her family’s knowing. Ara had an older sister, Kathleen and a brother, Chris, whom free to go and do anything he wanted. Inversely to Kathleen, she had no freedom to dream high and even fly like a free bird. Mom and Dad had negative and superstition thinking that girls never had to have higher education - Girls only meant to be “slave” for her husband and family. Ara hated that kind of thinking, it had ruined the life of a girl. For her, educating a girl gave world a better place to live. “I must do this! If I want to success, something it needs to against the rules.” She made up her mind with her full heart.
“Kathleen, call your sister! Dinner is ready.” Mum shouted while preparing the dishes with last touch after it was ready to be eaten.
“Ara, come outside now. It's dinner time.”
“Okay, Kat. I will be there.” She hid her things in the cupboard and hurried to the dining room before someone saw her.
Then, they finished their dinner without having a family conversation at the table. It was weird as Mom will always tell her funny stories to us every time we dine. Ara knew the reason of all the silence. She remembered her conversation with her Mom earlier. Now, Mom looked very fierce and there was an unusual look from her.
New life, new atmosphere and new peoples. Here she freed from everything where anyone can be anything. Now, she out of her village and came to the city to pursue higher education that she wanted all the time. She never thought to be so free and alive with somebody she loved the most - Daniel. “Daniel, I really feel so relieved to come here with you. I want to, my Mom to be more open-minded and realize she has made the wrong decision by putting me in this situation. I love Mom so much that I could not bear to see her becoming disappointed with my doing right now. Maybe one day she will be realized, she need to lend her girl to be well-educated”. Before tears began to drop in Ara’s face, Daniel quickly wiped her tears using silk handkerchief and gave a warm hug to make she felt comfortable. “Yes, Ara. Maybe someday. But now lets us enjoy our life here until the last breath holds us.” Daniel always there for Ara through hard and bitter.
“Thank you, love. I will.”
Ara fell in love with Daniel at the first sight when looking at Daniel was trying to save some unfortunate girls from being raped by the alcoholic irresponsible men. That day, Ara knew she had found the missing pieces that lost in her un-complete life.
“I wondered what is Mom doing right now?”

The moment stopped for a while as they sat on the rock inside the Forest of Dean, Symonds Yat and saw spectacular views across the River Wye and the forest beyond. The colours of the forest, flowers and rivers were made the place look colourful and great to visit in Summer. The golden colour of the forest made she felt more alive and better appreciation towards natural flora and fauna that she loved to explore a lot. No place looked sweeter than the uncountable Daniel’s love to Ara since the day he was madly in love with her. Life was sweeter than even the natural sugar. Their love began to live more and deeper every day. No one can stop their love till death separated and broke their promises and vows.